About Me

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Diós 'emchiókue, Which means Hello in my Native Yaqui Indian Tongue. My name is Idalia Valdez. I was born in Guaymas,Sonora,Mexico. As a child my parents decided to move the U.S.A. They were in search of a better life and better opportunities for our family. They worked as Farm workers for most of my childhood. I saw them working in conditions that no human being should be allowed to work in. I saw them struggle to learn a language, and to assimilate to a new culture while still holding on to their own. I learned very quickly that education was the key to success. Due to Health issues I had to take a break from school for a short while, but I am very happy to be back this semester. This is my first semester at ACC and I'm still trying to find my way through the campus and its procedures. as far as my political views goes I guess you can say I have more of a Liberal point of view. I tend to gather as much information on the subject,and I try to see the whole picture from both sides of the coin. I try not to let my emotions rule my decisions, some days its easier than others. Especially when it comes to Immigration issues.

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